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Total Votes : 8 |
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Joined: March 31, 2010
Posts: 5
Posted: Post subject: posible meaning of life |
this is just a theory of what i think the meaning of life is .
the life of 1 person has no meaning .
( ^ person that never comes in contact with other ppl )
why ?
because a life gains meaning because of the other ppl in it
every life impacts another in some way as soon as they meet
and the death of them impacts that life as well . life w/o any 1
is hard , and at time unbearable . but just by knowing some 1
else life becomes a lot easier to live . by understanding this
it should be understood that ever life is meant to make the living
of other ppls lives easier to live and better. whether ppl chose
to actually make the lives around them better or not is purely
up to them to decide though .
what do u think?
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Joined: January 11, 2011
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Joined: May 25, 2011
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`The meaning of life is helluva question. I've heard the theory about how the universe began was because something happened that affected something else and that goes on for eternity. Everything that happens results from something else that happened. The only problem with it is the idea of eternity, saying that it has always happened and is always happening. In other words, there is no beginning, middle, or end. Humans cannot fathom infinity. Guess that's partly why figuring out the meaning of life seems impossible. But your answer is pretty good and the theory seems to go hand in hand with your thought.
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Joined: November 16, 2011
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Posted: Post subject: |
`The meaning of life is to live and keep on living. Sorry it's simple.
In theory at least lets assume big bang theory here...
You have a superdense chunk of mass out in a void thats constantly under pressure. Eventually a chain reaction occurs inside what would probably be something even bigger than a supermassive black hole. Now, assuming hawking is correct in the theory that black holes emit radiation from their axis' we can assume that this thing is expelling massive amounts of energy and particals. Since all particals have gravitational forces we can assume over time probably a long period of time these particals would begin to collect together and form bigger chunks of particals eventually causing asteroids and planetoids - even stars. Now the universe is still expanding since this lets call it ultramassivce black hole is spewing high energy particals out of it and they aren't slowing down alot. Eventually the blackhole would erode and explode(see (removed)). So we have all these things traveling very quickly away from this place. Now think eventually the gravitational forces will be powerfull enough to overcome that velocity and begin pulling all that mass back together - it will be millions or billions, or trillions, or more years from now. The meaning of life is to survive that next destructive force that then gives life back to the universe. I don't mean you as in you as you are now needing to survive, but mankind as a whole the meaning of life is the facilitate survival.
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Joined: February 25, 2012
Posts: 7
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`i always thought i answer was 42.
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Joined: January 11, 2011
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`I don't know but lately what I tend to tell people when they ask me it is that the meaning of life is "to do stuff." I know that sounds generic and vague but...
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Joined: February 6, 2012
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`My opinion: There is no meaning, as that would imply some sort of plan or goal in your creation, so I guess you should ask your parents if they meant for you to achieve something when they conceived you. Beyond specific events like cloning or other purposeful actions to create a human being hopefully people sire or adopt children to have someone carry their genetic information and/or philosophical beliefs forward. I know it doesn't seem very glamorous or uplifting but I think it is pretty cool, that despite our struggles it is that desire for a future for those we care about that continues our species. There are occasions though where someone is created with no plan by accident, all that means is that you still have to figure out what type of person you want to be and how you want to be perceived by others.
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 rogueelf (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I believe that we give ourselves whatever meaning we see fit in a desperate attempt to make our small and meager existence seem more important or purposeful when compared to the vastness of the universe. If that makes sense anyways.
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Joined: January 30, 2013
Posts: 17
Posted: Post subject: Just a thinking persons thoughts |
i think the theory of "the meaning of life" is a beautiful curse that comes with being human. with having this expanded mind that we all have that's able to comprehend how vast our universe is and all the amazing things within it. it's something that on planet earth is unique to us humans. with that great power of the mind comes doubt, fear of the unknown, and questioning. when you start to question why you start to open up these doors in your mind that lead to profound thoughts.. none are wrong cause anything is possible in something no-one can ever know everything about. it's human nature to overthink things. everybody does sometimes. whatever meaning you may give your life for whatever reason that is the meaning of life until you decide to change it.
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 levitatingfrog (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`It's all pointless. There is no free will, and morality is totally made up by humans (just flick through any evolutionary psychology textbook if you don't believe me). If you need some king of non-nihilistic meta-ethics, try utilitarianism, the only one with any hope of standing up to Occam's razor. It only breaks down when you start thinking wondering what it is that you are meant to maximise.
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